GeckoCheck (gCheck), is GeckoTech’s Energy Measuring/recording system.  GeckoCheck basically monitors all the circuits in a rental property’s circuit breaker box and records all power consumption to the web.   This allows the property owner or manager to log in and see historical and realtime power consumption patterns.  gCheck is often a “hard sell” because it does not have a quantifiable ROI at time of install.  However, in every installation of gCheck there was an immediate recognised ROI within 24-72 hours of its installation.   This is because gCheck will immediately identify “heavy consumers” and over time will identify trends.   Such was the case at Casa Ponte, where GeckoTech had already (2 years ago) installed GeckoEye (energy conservation).   Within 72 hours, the property owner was able to quickly isolate one of his primary air handlers as being “money hemorrhage point”.  It turns out that for years the return duct had been improperly sized and thus the AC was running twice as hard as any other AC.   In a matter of days the AC’s installation flaw was fixed.   gCheck’s ROI will be less than 4 months!!  gCheck is also monitoring the 11 other ACs, 2 stoves, 3 water heaters, 1 dryer, assorted room’s outlets, etc…  Go GeckoCheck

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