The Jaco Municipality has given GeckoTech the “go ahead” to deploy the first four GeckoWatch cameras.   This project has been in the works for over 3 years.  The pilot project leverages the networking and video surveillance expertise of GeckoTech.   The first four cameras will be online and operational by September 1, 2012.

The premise behind GeckoWatch is to allow small businesses to subsidize the installation of public video cameras that will then be monitored by Jaco’s Municipal police.   The model allows the city to install a very expensive system at a fraction of the price.

GeckoTech is working with local developer, Brad Sanson and the Vista Las Palmas group to secure a central hub for the system’s wireless backbone.  The wireless network will allow GeckoTech to distribute cameras across the city, giving the Municipal police “eyes everywhere.”

GeckoTech is not able to disclose the location of these first four cameras, but rest assured that the camera location will add security to Jaco’s public areas from the moment they are put into operation.


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