High End PTZ to monitor Los Amigos ingress/egress

Los Amigos, like all popular restaurants, is a bastion for thieves “looking for a an easy target.”   The original patio area was surveilled by a single fixed view camera that was not capable of covering the dining area as well as detailed imagery of entrance.   So owner Chris Mandel asked GeckoTech to add yet another camera to his Milestone System.   The new camera being a PTZ with low lumens capability and one that could be controlled by the Milestone operator to change pan, tilt or zoom…    After collected detailed user requirements (what did owner Chris Mandel hope to achieve with this new camera/view) GeckoTech selected a high end Toshiba PTZ with a 180′ Panning FoV.   Now the property has imagery capable of providing irrefutable ID of all people entering the property through the main gate.   Thus continuing to prove that Los Amigos is one of the safest (least # of incidence) to dine out.

Los Amigos opts for mobile viewing of Surveillance

Chris Mandel, owner of Los Amigos, is in the process of upgrading his Milestone Video Surveillance sytem (branded GeckoWatch) to allow him to view his property’s cameras real-time “on the go”.   To facilitate this upgrade, Chris purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note with both Wifi and 3G services.  Now, from almost anywhere in the world, Chris can “keep tabs” on his business.  GeckoWatch: Piece of mind with a Costa Rican business.

Seaside spins back up..

Seaside (originally known as “Seaside Diner” and “The Fish Shack”) will be reopening its doors this coming fall (high season). The management team has been extended to include not only the original owner/operator Marcel Gauthier, but also restaurant consultant Stephen Carlson. The revamped, rebranded restaurant will leverage many of GeckoTech’s key technologies such as GeckoPOS, GeckoWatch, GeckoPower, and GeckoGreen (energy management). GeckoTech is confident that by exploiting its technologies, Seaside will be serious contender as a “go to place” in Jaco.

GeckoWatch Camera for more units at VistaMar

GeckoWatch continues to gain significant momentum for unit owners at various multi-tenant dwellings throughout Jaco. And Vista Mar is no exception.
GeckoTech has recently added its third GeckoWatch subscriber from this beautiful property. The property owner is now able to use his iPhone/Android mobile device to view real-time and 30 day historical video of the rental property’s entrance.. GeckoWatch uses state-of-the-art IP camera and video recording technology. GeckoWatch is the ultimate in Video Surveillance for a property that would not otherwise find video surveillance cost-prohibitive.

Wishbone begins deployment of Video Surveillance

Wishbone, one of jaco’s oldest and most reputable restaurants, is moving into the 21st century by subscribing to GeckoTech’s GeckoWatch video surveillance managed service. The initial system will consist of 4 cameras scattered throughout the property to allow management/owners to view activity in and around the property. GeckoTech will use Milestone’s award winning xProtect to provide historical and real-time viewing to Wishbone’s staff via their mobile devices. Both Android and iPhone. Next step, in terms of automation for Wishbone will be the deployment of GeckoPOS..

GeckoTech introduces mobile viewing services for Video Surveillance

GeckoTech is proud to announce availability of a mobile viewer for Video Surveillance. This add on service allows any GeckoTech client to view their video security cameras from iPhone, iPad and Android mobile devices. The ability for property managers, property owners and developers to view their assets remotely using their private mobile devices is a huge boon to asset management and security. Vista Las Palmas has recently signed up for the service and designated support staff now have access to any video camera 7×24 using their personal communication devices. They are able to view real time (and historically) video imagery while “on the go”. Wow!!

GeckoTech moves more services to Amazon Cloud

In an effort to increase system/service reliability (five 9s of uptime) GeckoTech has moved additional services into the Amazon EC2 cloud. These services include the following:

* GeckoEye Energy Management – GeckoTech has moved its GeckoEye energy management data gathering portal out of its Jaco offices into the Amazon cloud to ensure end to end delivery of all Energy related events for rental properties.

* Milestone NVR Management – GeckoTech has more CCTV cameras deployed in Jaco than any other vendor. The cornerstone of GeckoTech’s Video Surveillance deployments is Milestone. Commercial subscribers to GeckoTech’s video surveillance systems will now use servers in the Amazon cloud to authenticate and gain access to their cameras. This will ensure that as long as there is internet service to the property’s cameras, the user will be able to access using the authentication servers hosted in Amazon’s cloud.

* Network Monitoring – Prior to the migration of GeckoTech’s Network monitoring services into the cloud, GeckoTech’s monitoring software was hosted its Jaco offices. This meant the network monitoring services were subject to the regular power and internet outages that Jaco experiences. Now, with its network monitoring services in the Amazon cloud, GeckoTech can provide metrics that are an order of magnitude more accurate than in the past. This migration also allows for better “real-time” alerts of impending outage through SMS and eMail delivery to GeckoTech technicians.

* Reporting Services – GeckoTech is leveraging Amazon’s robust infrastructure to deliver reports from various JacoPOS (Point of Sale) Servers installed at various client sites on the central pacific. The idea is that this On Demand reporting server will deliver necessary operational reports on scheduled basis without reliance on ICE’s network.

GeckoTech’s management is confident that the ROI for migration will be less than two months. More importantly GeckoTech can boast a service level that is unsurpassed in Costa Rica.